Gynaecology / Urology


For Gynaecological diagnosis we offer rapid tests for the detection of various infections, such as Chlamydia, Syphilis and HIV. Our Pregnancy tests and Ovulation tests serve as support for family planning. In particular, for the treatment of pregnant patients there are new developments that assist in the prediction of (premature) labour and can help relieve the patient’s emotions. Dangers for the neonate can be limited and can be recognised in time.


Today, urine strip tests are a modern medical tool that determine results of urine status and pathological changes of the organism in a simple, straightforward manner with little workload and in a short amount of time. The urine strips are an ideal aid for targeted diagnosis and effective therapy of various diseases. The test strips have many areas of application, such as routine check ups, preventative health check ups, as well as therapy and recidivist checks.

Human choriongonadotropin (hCG) is a hormone, that increases rapidly in concentration shortly after the release of a fertilised egg cell in a female body. As a result, hCG is a very useful indicator for the detection of a possible pregnancy. We offer a range of pregnancy tests, that can detect hormone levels 7 days after conception, providing quick and reliable results.

The exact determination of ovulation is advantageous in the fulfilment of a woman’s desire for children. The human luteinising hormone (hLH) is a sex hormone that is jointly responsible for the ovulation in a woman’s body. Before ovulation, the concentration of hLH rises significantly, thereby making it an ideal marker for the determination of a woman’s most fertile days of her cycle.

Ovulation is the release of an egg cell from the ovary.

The hLH Ovulation Test is a complete system, which provides clear indication of the time point when ovulation will occur as well as the time with the highest chance of fertility. During this fertile time it is most probable to become pregnant.

For this field, we offer the following rapid tests:

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    hCG – Pregnancy Early Test (teststrips – 10 mlU/ml)

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    hCG High Sensitivity Pregnancy Test (Cassette – 10mlU/ml)

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    hCG High Sensitivity Pregnancy Test (Cassette – 10mlU/ml)

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    hCG High Sensitivity Pregnancy Test (Strip – 10mlU/ml)

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    hCG High Sensitivity Pregnancy Test (Strip – 10mlU/ml)

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    hCG Pregnancy Test (Cassette – 25mlU/ml)

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    hCG Pregnancy Test (Cassettes – 25mlU/ml)

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    hCG Pregnancy Test (Mid Stream Stick – 25mlU/ml)

The Alpha-Fetoprotein (AFP) is a glycoprotein in human serum or plasma. It is produced during a pregnancy by the amniotic sac of the fetus and by the fetal liver. It is also produced within tumour cells of the liver. An elevated AFP concentration level is a tumour marker for various cancers, such as hepatocellular carcinoma (HCC) within men and women who are not pregnant.

For this field we offer the following rapid tests:

Pregnancy is a time that should be enjoyed while creating plans for the future. Eliminating concerns of premature birth is the goal of our medical rapid tests for premature birth precautionary screening. A serious risk for premature birth occurs during the 22nd to 32nd week of pregnancy. The actim™ Partus Rapid Test can either detect such a risk or eliminate the possible concerns surrounding the risk. This single step dipstick test identifies IGFBP-1 (insulin-like growth factor binding protein 1) within the cervical secretion and helps assess the risk of a premature birth as well as assessing the readiness of the mother´s body for birth. The test is intended to detect a rupture in the fetal membrane. An amniotic fluid (PROM) test, with a negative result, can confirm an intact membrane.

For this field we offer the following rapid tests:

Products for urine analysis. Urine strips and readers for the evaluation of urine rapid test strips.

Sexually transmitted diseases are spread through unprotected sexual intercourse. Diseases include syphilis, chlamydia, gonorrhea, hepatitis, and HIV. With early detection and timely treatment syphilis, chlamydia, and gonorrhea can be treated in a short period of time. For women itching in the genital area is among the first signs of a sexually transmitted disease and a further sign for both women and men is the present of a discoloured discharge and pain when urinating. On suspicion of being infected with a pathogen, it is important to immediately go to the doctor so an early diagnosis can help prevent possible suffering. In the case of a suspected infection, one should also have their partner examined to help avoid a re-infection.

For this field we offer the following rapid tests:

Beta-hemolytic group B streptococci (Streptococcus agalacticae) are responsible for a number of diseases and are amongst the most common infections with life-threatening risks to newborns. They are often the main cause of wound infections, sepsis, meningitis, urinary tract infections and neonatal sepsis.

Menopause is the permanent end of menstruation. In general, the menopause is not diagnosed scientifically until a woman’s period has not occured for a whole year. As the body produces less estrogen, the production of FSH that normally regulates the development of the female egg increases. Testing for FSH can therefore help to determine whether a woman is in the perimenopause stage.