Endocrinology (Hormones-Enzymes)
Endocrinology is a part of internal medicine which is concerned with disorders of hormone levels. It is based on the ability of recognizing hormones selectively and to measure their concentration in blood. Our reliable ELISA and diagnostic methods should be used if heart or vascular diseases are suspected, a lack of testosterone is present or tumors are existent.
Diabetes describes a group of metabolic diseases that are all based on disorders of the insulin metabolism. This hormone, produced by the islets of Langerhans in the pancreas, is decisive for the regulation of the glucose metabolism. A diagnosis of the disease firstly can be made based on the insulin concentration in blood. However, diabetes can also be caused by an insulin resistance. C-peptide is vital for the insulin production in the body and thereby enables the differentiation of insulin insufficiency and insulin resistance. Additionally, the protein leptin and its detection are used as a basis for physiological adipositas studies.
Regarding pregnancies and fertility, ELISA tests can be used to determine certain (steroid) hormones and biomarkers. The concentrations of these substances enable conclusions regarding fertility, the state of pregnancy in general or potential risks of prenatal disorders and diseases.
An especially significant example is the determination of the chromosomal aberration trisomy. These assays are very important when monitoring hormone replacement therapies (HRT) to avoid postmenopausal disorders.
Alpha Fetoprotein (AFP)
Human Placental Lactogen (HPL)
Sex-hormone-binding globulin (SHBG)
Saliva is an ideal specimen for examination, given that the collection of the sample material is much more convenient for the patient in this way. The removal of the sample can be carried out without special training, and also carried out by the patient himself. Saliva may be used, for example, for the determination of IgA. IgA is a particularly important indicator because an insufficiency of IgA in saliva can point to lung disease.
Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH) ELISA
The adrenal cortex produces around 50 different hormones. The synthesis of glucocorticoids (cortisol, cortisone, corticosterone) in the adrenal cortex is regulated by the pituitary and peptide hormones. Glucocorticoids influence the human metabolism in different ways. Corticotrophine, produced in the hypothalamus, indirectly causes the release of corticotropin (ACTH). ACTH stimulates the adrenal cortex and many other hormones
of the hypophysis which can indicate an insufficiency of the hypophysis or an adenoma in the hyphophysis.
of the hypophysis which can indicate an insufficiency of the hypophysis or an adenoma in the hyphophysis.