Urine Strips / Urine Analysis
Today, urine test strips are a modern medical tool which are easy to use, uncomplicated, and efficient. Urine test strips are an ideal tool for the specific diagnosis and effective treatment of various diseases. The test strips are designed so that even slight pathological changes in the urine are detected through distinct colour changes in the test fields. A positive result must be confirmed through further clinical diagnostic methods.
The Reactif urinanalysis strips offer quick and reliable results necessary for a specific diagnosis. This brand product from nal von minden offers you the highest quality and the ability of a cost-effective diagnosis. The Reactif test line is largely resistant to Vitamin C and has an additional influence on the parameter ‘ascorbic acid’.
Here are all our urine tests for urinanalysis at a glance. Choose your urinanalysis test based on the parameters you require.
Here you can find the readers we offer for the mechanical evaluation of our urine tests.
The following analytes can be semi-quantitatively analysed: glucose, bilirubin, ketone, specific gravity, blood, pH, protein, urobilinogen, leukocytes, ascorbic acid, and the qualitative determination of nitrite.